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Europski socijalni fond plus
SIM case study2022-05-11


In Belgium, unaccompanied refugee minors are entitled to subsidised housing, education support and legal support from legal professionals and social workers. When they turn 18, however, they lose some of these support services and can end up in precarious situations. Cohousing and Case Management for Unaccompanied Young Adult Refugees in Antwerp (CURANT) offered support services for education, training, employment, housing and mental health needs to young refugees. It provided a safe living environment through cohousing units, which were bought, rented, renovated and built by the City of Antwerp. A ‘’buddy’’ system was established whereby Flemish ‘buddies’ - young volunteers aged between 20 and 30 years - shared a living space with the young refugees for at least one year, to facilitate informal learning and encourage peer-to-peer relationships between flatmates. The refugees were also supported by social workers. The initiative was led by the Social Welfare Department of the City of Antwerp with a consortium of other partners providing support services. 81 unaccompanied young adults with refugee status lived with 77 ‘buddies’ in different accommodation arrangements. The interactions decreased the stress related to daily situations, helped refugees learn new skills in a more relaxed environment, and eased their integration into society. Buddies also gained a lot, developing cultural awareness and empathy through a better understanding of the challenges of young refugees

Case study details

Lead organisation
Prov. Antwerpen
Integration of third country nationals
Integration of marginalised communities
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
EUR 6,117,879.15
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Delivering public policies
81 young refugees and 77 Flesmish buddies
Internet and social
EU fund