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Fonds social européen+
SIM case study2022-05-11

Prowess 1.0

Business support services in the UK are still not reaching enough women. In order to address this gap, Prowess was born in 2002 as the National Association for the Promotion of Women’s Enterprise - a membership network of organisations delivering support to female-led start-ups across the UK. Its aim is to create an environment where equal numbers of men and women are involved in starting and growing businesses. It later became known as Prowess (Promoting Women’s Enterprise Support) an independent non-profit company limited by guarantee. Prowess developed the Prowess Flagship Award, which measures the quality of support given by specialist and mainstream business support service providers from a ‘women friendly’ perspective. The Prowess Flagship Award was replaced by the Charter for Women in Business, which was piloted in 2016-2017, attracting 75 members. 24 organisations in total were awarded one of the Prowess Flagship Awards. Thanks to the success and visibility of the initiative, Prowess was also instrumental in lobbying the government to set up the Women’s Enterprise Panel and the Women’s Enterprise Task Force within the Department for Business. As such, Prowess was able to have a policy impact at the national level.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Gender balanced labour market participation
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
Programming period
Project start
Type of initiative
Empowering people
Internet and social
EU fund