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Fonds social européen+

FEAD helps reduce food deprivation, child poverty and homelessness


The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) addresses the most severe forms of poverty in the EU through food aid, material support and vouchers. It helps EU Countries progress towards achieving the EU’s 2030 headline target for poverty reduction.


EU 2030 poverty reduction target

Reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by at least 15 million, including at least 5 million children.

Main achievements of FEAD in 2022

32 million meals distributed
32 million
meals distributed
14.2 million people received food aid
14.2 million
people received food aid
800 000 people benefitted from material assistance
800.000 people
benefitted from material assistance, e.g. shoes, clothing, soap
390 000 tonnes of food delivered
tonnes of food delivered
225 000 people received food vouchers
225.000 people
received food vouchers
10 000 people received social inclusion support
10.000 people
received social inclusion support

15 million people receive support every year

49 percent families and women
families and women
30 percent children
12 percent migrants
6 percent homeless people
homeless people

These findings come from the Commission’s annual implementation report on FEAD, which is based on data from the 2022 national reports of the 27 EU Countries.