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Euroopa Sotsiaalfond+

New employment strategies lead to social inclusion

Illustration of the project
Rummelig imidt ved hr. Sekretariatsleder Mikkel Munk-Hartge, 2019
For some people who have been unemployed for a long time, getting back into work can be a daunting prospect. In central Jutland, Denmark, an ESF-funded project is developing new strategies to create jobs for people who are on the edges of the labour market.

For some people who have been unemployed for a long time, getting back into work can be a daunting prospect. In central Jutland, Denmark, an ESF-funded project is developing new strategies to create jobs for people who are on the edges of the labour market.

The project is called Rummelig Imidt. It's one of several "Projects in the Middle" (Projeckter Imidt) creating opportunities for people in central Denmark. This project focused on inclusivity brings together municipalities, social partners and socially responsible companies to create new initiatives aimed at target groups.

Project details

Project name
Rummelig Imidt
Projektsekretariatet ApS, c/o LO Aarhus, Skt. Knuds torv 3, 2., 8000 Aarhus C
800 participants are expected during the project period.
Project start
Project end
Internet and social
Contact details
Project leader Søren Larsen
+45 21 66 04 29
Total budget
EU Budget contribution
€ 3,691,192.00