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Europäische Sozialfonds+
SIM case study2022-05-11

Bremen Local Action Plan ZZZ

Since 2015, Bremen has become home to a growing number of refugees – 2% of the total population. This has put additional pressure on service providers in a city already struggling with high levels of social exclusion, unemployment and poverty. The local action plan developed by the ZZZ (ZwischenZeitZentrale) Agency 2016-2020 promotes urban development whilst supporting disadvantaged groups with housing and work opportunities. Since 2009, the ZZZ Agency has brought abandoned buildings and spaces in deprived neighbourhoods to life for temporary use. It rents vacant spaces and makes them available to local social innovators and municipal departments as a space where they can run activities that benefit the whole community. In turn, they must provide accommodation and employment to recently arrived refugees. One of the key achievements of the Bremen Local Action Plan ZZZ are the newly developed networks with local social services and cultural communities that the project has fostered. For example, the project ‘Wurst Case’, in a former sausage factory, provided the location for several migrant and refugee projects. These include a self-repair bicycle shop for refugees, German language classes for refugees provided by the members of the German-Gambian association, and the office of the Bremen-Africa network. The temporary use approach has become an important part of social change and neighbourhood revitalisation in Bremen, and the government of Bremen has acknowledged the benefits of this new bottom-up approach.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Active inclusion and employability
Integration of third country nationals
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - local
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
Internet and social
EU fund