SIM CASE STUDYYouth Competence Centres Tackling early school leaving and youth unemployment through local counselling
SIM CASE STUDYMonithonPromoting government transparency and accountability through active citizenship
SIM CASE STUDYBerlin Neighbourhood Management programmeTackling social segregation in large multicultural metropoles
SIM CASE STUDYRoma-NetTackling discrimination against Roma people through participatory mutual learning
SIM CASE STUDYFair Finance Supporting people who are financially excluded through provision of fair financial services
SIM CASE STUDYCommunity Service ProgrammeSupporting community businesses to employ disadvantaged groups
SIM CASE STUDYBremen Local Action Plan ZZZIntegrating migrants and refugees through temporary use of abandoned spaces
SIM CASE STUDYOpportunities for West IISupporting business development and innovation in SMEs through collaborations