Level of actionRegionalPaísesFinlandRegiãoHelsinki-Uusimaa Contact details kasvatusjakoulutus@hel.fiOrganisation websitehttps://www.hel.fi/en/decision-making/city-organization/divisions/education-div…Theme of the organizationEqual access to education and trainingType of organizationOther public org.
SIM CASE STUDYKYKY 2015-2019Promoting social inclusion of stay-at-home parents from Somali, Kurdish, and Arabic-speaking migrant communities in Helsinki
VIDEOQua, 2025-03-12 17:22Shaping the future of ESF+ – highlights from the "Quo vadis ESF+?" conference
NEWSSex, 2025-02-28 10:41Online information session: call for proposals to support EU-level social NGO Networks