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SIM case study2023-03-22

One Step Ahead

As part of the ESF-funded One Step Ahead project, the LAG Hradecký venkov – Local Action Group Hradec rural area – provided support to young people who spent most of their lives in a children’s home in Nechanice – a town close to the regional capital city of Hradec Králové, while they were still in an institutional setting. In particular, the project aimed to help integrate young people over 15 into everyday life and in the rural community, by preparing them for an independent life and possible careers outside of institutional care, improving their financial literacy and facilitating their access to the labour market.
In particular the project focused on children with special educational needs coming from families of disadvantaged backgrounds, who were at a high risk of social exclusion or are growing up in foster care. The LAG Hradecký venkov (LAG HV) gave these young people the chance to find work and accommodation by connecting them to potential employers in the region. The project also provided guidance and helped young people to develop the practical skills necessary to sustain themselves. At the same time, the project also created a support network against both social exclusion and rural depopulation. Thus, the activities also responded to the lack of workforce in rural areas.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Active inclusion and employability
Social integration of those at risk
Target groups
Individuals experiencing poverty or social exclusion
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
EUR 1 476 550
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
41 individuals
Internet and social
EU fund