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Europees Sociaal Fonds Plus
Belgian project shows young refugees how to thrive

Belgisch project helpt jonge vluchtelingen opbloeien

De problemen van vluchtelingen zijn niet voorbij als ze in hun gastland arriveren. Ze bevinden zich opeens in een nieuwe omgeving en moeten snel zien te wennen aan een nieuwe taal en een nieuwe manier
Digital solutions enable inclusion in the workplace

Digital solutions enable inclusion in the workplace

For people with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism, or cognitive deficit disorder, accessing and retaining employment can present serious challenges. The stigma surrounding such conditions may
Mental health and addiction support for Greeks in crisis

Mental health and addiction support for Greeks in crisis

People experiencing mental health and addiction issues can find it difficult to find help with their problems. With support from the European Social Fund (ESF), the ‘PNOI Prevention Centre’ project
Kirjava project

Kirjava helps foreign-born people thrive in Finland

Starting a new life in a different country is not always easy. It can take time to fit in, learn a new language, and find opportunities for education and work. That is why, with the help of the
Making life simpler for families with special needs

Making life simpler for families with special needs

The ‘Spare Moment’ (Brīvbrīdis) project in Latvia aims to help mums like Kristina and their children, who live with disabilities. It opens pathways to community-based services to develop social skills
Guiding young people towards a brighter tomorrow

Guiding young people towards a brighter tomorrow

Social exclusion and crime can heavily impact the potential of young people, who are often vulnerable and unsure about their future. Paths of Inclusion Territorial Innovation and Empowerment in Rione