The EXPLORE Science Centre in Hildesheim, Germany, offers courses to young people after school and during holidays, allowing them to experience the excitement of science.
When the oil refinery in Matosinhos, in Northern Portugal, was shut down in May 2021, 140 workers were left without employment and low prospects of finding jobs of the same quality in the region.
In Latvia, a series of deinstitutionalisation projects are helping people with disabilities people reintegrate society, through group apartments, day care centres, and community-based social care
The Browar Spółdzielczy (Cooperative Brewery) is a Polish business that is currently riding a growing wave of popularity for craft ales. However, Browar Spółdzielczy isn't a typical microbrewery.
Since 2015, the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta has been implementing the ‘presence’ model in one of Hungary’s most disadvantaged districts, Kunhegyes.
Housing is a basic human need. Everyone needs a place to live. In Ostrava, Czechia, the ESF+ is helping people to rebuild their lives, starting with a roof over their head. Through the Social Housing
In communities grappling with delinquency, social exclusion, and limited access to social services, the Social Neighbourhood Worker programme is set to revitalise the fabric of society.
In São Salvador, Portugal, the Ílhavo School Group, is using funds from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) to harmonise its curriculum with the ever-evolving workforce demands.
In today’s digital age, social media platforms are not just spaces for connecting and sharing; they are becoming vital tools for social work and support. The “ Social Media Streetwork” project in