Digital technologies have revolutionised the health and social care industry over recent years, so it's vital that health workers understand how to use and make the most of them. That's why the
By taking a successful training model and expanding it to work for a range of subjects, an ESF-funded university project from Finland is helping entrepreneurship to flourish – and winning awards along
Free, high-quality career counselling is now available to everyone in Estonia, thanks to funding from the ESF. The funding has allowed the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund to create a project that
How do you get the job of your dreams? For young people in Estonia who were not already working or studying, an ESF-funded project aimed to help them find out. The ‘Decent work for youth’ project was
Hiring people whose ability to work is reduced because of disabilities or health matters can be a challenge for employers. That’s why a project called 'Labour market services related to workability
The fact that so many Swedish young people are not in education, employment or training is concerning. In central Sweden, however, a project from regional municipality Region Gävleborg has been able
For people with disabilities, navigating multiple bureaucratic procedures to understand their rights and access support can be an exhausting job. In Cyprus, however, a new system of assessing
Tens of thousands of vulnerable children are benefiting from additional classes and access to socio-emotional support, thanks to an EU funded project in Cyprus. School and Social Inclusion Actions (in
After the financial crisis and the following economic recession, the labour market in Cyprus was severely impacted. Many businesses closed and the country suffered a dramatic increase in unemployment
Nezaposlenim osobama koje žele raditi u južnoj Hrvatskoj pruža se stručno osposobljavanje i potpora u okviru projekta „Ja želim raditi!” Projekt Ja želim raditi sudionicima iz dvije ciljne skupine –