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European Social Fund Plus
SIM organisation2024-04-08

Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RARR - Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego)

Level of action
Contact details
Language skills
Polish, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian
Organisation website
Theme of the organization
Access to quality employment
Modernising labour market institutions and services
Equal access to education and training
Upskilling and reskilling
Integration of third country nationals
Type of organization
Other public org.
Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (RARR) is the institution belonging to The Podkarpackie Region as it has been established in 1993 by Self-government of Podkarpackie Region in order to deal with regional development in many areas in Podkarpackie.
RARR supports entrepreneurs, universities, public entities in activities for innovation and shaping a sustainable environment of the region.
The role of RARR is to support and coordinate regional development activities, to promote business efficiency, competitiveness as well as employment and to enhance and support sustainable development in the region.
RARR implements EU targets through numerous projects financed on the base of EU funds-not only national but also international ones (ESF, Interreg, Erasmus+, Horizon, etc.). RARR is composed of co-working specialized departments, which employ more than 200 people, including specialists in the areas of: law, economics, management, IT, social and international relations.
Looking for
Partners for co-projects in the following fields:
Support for social enterprices
Social innovations (health, wellfare, inclusion, participation)
Social rehabilitation
Integration of immigrants
Work integration
Work ability
Accessibility activities

Organisation's case studies


The Accessible School Model

Making sure that every child is included, regardless their abilities, is the aim of a project targeting primary schools in Poland