SIM CASE STUDYHela FamiljenThe Entire Family project providing a holistic approach and its focus on coordination
SIM CASE STUDYPost-Secondary Year – Apprenticeship Class Opportunity to gain work experience for vocational high school graduates
SIM CASE STUDYDuo for a JobOrganisation of intergenerational and intercultural mentoring to facilitate access to the labour market
SIM CASE STUDYENTERPRISING (PRE)SCHOOLERSDeveloping entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurship for children
SIM CASE STUDYUsing the ESF to pilot a case management approach for the long-term unemployed Case management model to reintegrate long-term unemployed into the labour market
SIM CASE STUDYHouse of SkillsEncouraging employees to proactively acquire the new skills that will equip them for transitions in the labour market
SIM CASE STUDYEn ErgoIndependent Living project to train unemployed people to become home-care service professionals for persons with disabilities
SIM CASE STUDYFit4CodingCombining technical and employability skills in a setting that allows for individual support
SIM CASE STUDYPersonal assistant: to be or not to beHelping families to reflect on what it means to be the personal assistant of a person with disabilities
SIM CASE STUDYIndependent Life Support Model (MAVI) Supporting people with physical or mental disabilities to live their lives independently