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Cover of the factsheet on combining ESF+ financial instruments with grants
  • Factsheet

Combining ESF+ financial instruments with grants

This factsheet describes how ESF+ financial instruments can be combined with grants. By combining grants with financial instruments, managing authorities can address market failures, stimulate investment, and create more sustainable project pipelines that align with EU policy objectives.
Cover of the handbook on ESF+ financial instruments
  • Guidelines

ESF+ financial instruments - Handbook

This handbook provides comprehensive guidance on setting up and implementing financial instruments under the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) to support employment, education and social inclusion.

FEAD Factsheet preview
  • Factsheet

FEAD helps to reduce food deprivation, child poverty and homelessness

The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) addresses the most severe forms of poverty in the EU through food aid, material support and vouchers. It helps Member States progress towards achieving the EU’s 2030 headline target for poverty reduction.

ESF Synthesis Report of 2022 AIRs
  • Report

ESF Synthesis Report of 2022 AIRs

Since 2016, annual reports synthesise the ESF achievements on the basis of the annual implementation reports submitted by member states. This latest edition summarises the achievements by end 2022 (reported by Member States in 2023).

Study on Job Guarantees initiatives in Europe cover
  • Report

Study on Job Guarantees initiatives in Europe

This study outlines innovative approaches to "zero long-term unemployment" and job guarantees across Europe, highlighting lessons learnt and insights to opportunities for transfer and scaling up.

Cover page of the ALMA Handbook
  • Guidelines

ALMA Handbook

This Handbook provides practical guidance to support Member States in setting up active inclusion programmes to address disadvantaged NEETs under the ALMA initiative.