We offer: our 12 years experience of integrating migrants and refugees in Romania and specialized staff. For assisting Ukrainian refugees in our city, we have worked with the Danish Refugee Council, Swiss Solidarity, Solidar Suisse, Action Aid, Oxfam, Aktion Deutschland Hilft, AWO Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V.
Our target group is formed by third country nationals (migrants arrived for work, studies, family reunification etc), refugees, asylum seekers, Ukrainian refugees, European citizens.
The MIC is supporting migrants and refugees with the following:
- Romanian language courses
- Juridical information: residence permits, education, recognition of diplomas; Romanian citizenship, work issues, referrals to local institutions etc
- Individual assistance: referrals, accompaniment, mediation
- Cultural accommodation (trips, learning about traditions and customs, Romanian kitchen, museums, other important landmarks etc)
- Community building (community, socialization, reduction of stress, theater, local communities, sports, outdoor and indoor activities etc)
- Academic research on migration issues
- Brasov multicultural Day Festival
- Advocacy for public institutions and partnerships with local NGOs