As a result of the financial crisis in 2008, many people living and working in the Piedmont region of northern Italy found themselves unemployed with under-equipped welfare services. The regional authority of Piedmont conceptualised the Welfare Cantiere Regionale (WE.CA.RE) strategy in 2017 to help to improve coordination between the European funds and some of the groups they support. WE.CA.RE aims to improve local governance by providing support and advice, stimulating the collaboration between public entities, third sector organisations and businesses and supporting the development of entrepreneurship projects with a social and welfare component. WE.CA.RE is currently funding and supporting 22 projects across the region, which were selected through public calls. An example is the Ben Essere in Valle (Well-being in the Valley), which aims to counter the depopulation of mountain villages by tackling unemployment and social exclusion through resource-sharing apps and workshops. WE.CA.RE has generated a series of direct and indirect benefits to citizens, thus contributing to decreasing social exclusion. Each project has its own indicators in terms of outcomes recorded and its own specific beneficiaries. This approach has reduced the gap between local needs and existing solutions, increasing the availability and quality of services provided to citizens.
Case study details
- Lead organisation
- Countries
- Italy
- Regions
- Piemonte
- Themes
- Access to quality employmentModernising labour market institutions and servicesTackling long term unemploymentEqual access to education and trainingUpskilling and reskillingActive inclusion and employabilityIntegration of third country nationalsIntegration of marginalised communitiesSocial integration of those at risk
- Level of action
- Regional
- Source of funding
- Public - EU
- Budget
- EUR 20,000,000
- Programming period
- 2014-2020
- Project start
- 2017
- Type of initiative
- Building partnerships
- Participants
- N/A
- Internet and social
- EU fund