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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2024-07-31

Projekt DOM.ov

This project is part of the HERO, or Housing and Empowerment of Roma, an EU Pilot Project that aims to improve the lives of marginalised Roma communities. Funded by the European Parliament and implemented by the European Commission and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), HERO applies an innovative social investment model combining micro-loans and capacity-building initiatives to support access to affordable housing and employment. The pilot project, which will run until 2025, will be implemented in selected municipalities in Romania, Slovakia, and Bulgaria, with a view to developing a model with the potential to scale up across Europe.

The main goal is to improve the lives of families from socially and spatially excluded Roma communities through the self-help construction of legal family houses with the active assistance of the bearer of social innovation, which mainly consists in complex social assistance with the so-called client leading to the reduction of inequalities in housing between the majority and marginalized Roma community. . It is a social innovation, which is different from the standard approach of public policies, consisting mainly in increasing rental housing, to achieve the social goal of the quality of own housing of the marginalized Roma community, as a prerequisite for comprehensive integration into society, or to break out of the environment of absolute poverty.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Východné Slovensko
Active inclusion and employability
Integration of marginalised communities
Target groups
Migrants and ethnic minorities
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - regional
Public - local
1 000 000 €
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Integrating disadvantaged groups
EU fund
European Parliament