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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2024-07-22

One World Citizen

For the past five years and with the support of the Agence Française de Développement, the national educational program One World Citizen, initiated by e-graine, has been helping to deconstruct the most common prejudices about migration and has been contributing to the emergence of new narratives on migration to revive a sense of belonging to our common humanity.
At e-graine, we are convinced that in order for our educational actions to resonate, to have a strong social impact and to materialize via new commitments on the territories, these actions must be articulated with local citizen initiatives. This is why our educational program is deployed with the active cooperation of migration actors - at both national and local levels: institutions, scientists, NGOs and financial backers, engaged in a strategy of convergent impacts, towards a society united in its diversity.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Better education and training systems
Active inclusion and employability
Integration of marginalised communities
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
Public - regional
Public - local
Project start
Type of initiative
Empowering people
All citizens - experiencing migrations or not
Internet and social
EU fund
Erasmus +