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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2022-05-11

Le Mat

Despite a well-functioning labour market, certain groups in Sweden face a number of barriers to finding a job. Particularly, formerly imprisoned people, people who have a disability or people with a migrant background, face stigmatisation when seeking employment. Vagen Ut, Sweden’s largest consortium of social enterprises, creates work for these people. Alongside Coompanion, Vagen Ut initiated Le Mat Sweden. It started to provide work-based training for people suffering from marginalisation or stigmatisation because of their circumstances in Goteborg City. It uses a holistic approach to inclusion – working together with social referral services, local authorities, and employment services to offer relevant work-based training to people in need, ensuring they are providing with meaningful work. Le Mat Sweden hostels, B&Bs and hotel rooms, have also been used as shelters for asylum seekers. This was a way of diversifying the Le Mat Sweden offer and helping as many disadvantaged people as possible. Since 2010, approximately 100 people have been employed or have undertaken work training thanks to Le Mat Sweden. Across the three locations in Sweden, there are 23 full-time employees. The Le Mat model has proven that it can be replicated in other contexts through the Le Mat Europe franchise cooperative. Currently, Le Mat Europe has established hotels in Italy and Sweden and supported the establishment of hotels under other brands in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Poland.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Tackling long term unemployment
Gender balanced labour market participation
Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change
Upskilling and reskilling
Active inclusion and employability
Integration of third country nationals
Integration of marginalised communities
Social integration of those at risk
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
Public - regional
Public - local
Programming period
Project start
Type of initiative
Facilitating transitions
Internet and social
EU fund