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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2024-05-29

The Craftsmen Design

The innovation is addressed to students of wood-related vocational schools
The proposed innovation is to have wood-related vocational schools students and industrial design university students working together to design a small series of furniture for a real customer. This collaboration will help them gain market experience and develop necessary skills for their future careers. The focus is on teamwork and expanding their knowledge beyond their specific fields of study. Participants will also learn to interview clients, manage time, and work in groups, improving their soft skills. The initiative is a valuable addition to their portfolios for future job opportunities.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Better education and training systems
Target groups
Other target groups
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
479 241 EUR
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Empowering people
The implementation of the innovation involved 63 vocational-students, 7 vocational subject teachers and 5 university students.
Internet and social
EU fund