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European Social Fund Plus
SIM case study2022-05-11


In Spain, there has been an increasing focus on gender issues, with six national plans for equality being implemented over the past 20 years. While Spain has made improvements in this field, there is much that remains to be done. To engage men and women equally in the fight against gender equality, the Cepaim Foundation created the NEO project. It uses participatory workshops and awareness events, to initiate a conversation around gender roles in the workplace and household. The Cepaim Foundation has hosted multiple awareness events, including a conference and a classical music concert. An 80-question survey was distributed to 1,000 professionals across Spain to gather information on caregivers, breadwinners and occupational roles. Survey results show that unlike men, women’s careers are negatively affected by the persistence of gendered stereotypes over caregiving roles. The Cepaim Foundation also conducted 11 discussion groups and 12 individual interviews as part of this research. With ESF funding, NEO has financed its activities, disseminated materials and scaled-up their efforts to initiate Campaign 365, a nation-wide effort to address gender equalities in the workplace and within the general population more widely. Particularly, the NEO project has moved gender issues away from being a ‘women only’ concern, by increasing ownership and awareness of the impact of gender equality solutions by men as well.

Case study details

Lead organisation
Gender balanced labour market participation
Level of action
Source of funding
Public - EU
Public - national
EUR 300,000
Programming period
Project start
Project end
Type of initiative
Empowering people
Internet and social
EU fund