Problem addressed
Lisbon is a city that presents urban and social weaknesses, based on the existence of empty and dilapidated houses, the lack of security, the lack of equipment or the isolation of the elderly. The vulnerable socioeconomic condition of residents in precarious housing triggers situations of social exclusion and, consequently, the segregation of the elderly. More than 1.2 million elderly people live in Lisbon, alone or with other elderly people. Gains in longevity through increased life expectancy, by allowing people to live longer, encourage healthier and more active lifestyles, a condition for living as long as possible without disability. A Avó veio trabalhar (Grandma came to work) is part of a premise of socio-professional reintegration, through a space capable of channel the entrepreneurial potential of seniors, thus boosting a better quality of life.
Innovative solution
We understand age as a power to be unleashed. Each elderly person has a individual talent, aspiration and passion in which we believe and nurture. Either through our crafts workshops or cultural experiences our designs showcase the uniqueness of handmade work and the individual love and care each granny put into each product.
We develop concepts and product ideas which come together as curated collections normally launched every three to four months.
Join us for one of our workshops: silkscreening, creative embroidery and knitting. Our monthly workshops are open to everyone. We also develop experiences: touristic and cultural (connecting geography and emotion), baking and storytelling.
All final products are personalised with the photo of it’s creator : “She made it for you”. It’s a way of distinguishing the artist’s skills/ talent and story.
Grandma Came to Work is an intergenerational creative hub, were social and emotional bonds are knitted in the local community and where elderly people can just be themselves.
Key results and benefits
We use age as a superpower, empowering the people we work with, recognising their talents and highlighting their uniqueness.
The project was created in 2014 and over the course of 10 years it was possible to:
empower more than 150 people 60+
create 3 creative hubs (Lisbon, Cascais and Azores)
participate in different design weeks (Madrid, Budapest, Gent, Eindhoven)
organize more than 600 traditional crafts workshops for the community
work with more than 300 national and international companies/makers
we partned with various art, music and cultural organisations and take part in festivals and other events
we develop several activities in the area of creative tourism
award I best idea of the year I time out I 2015
award I bienal ibericoamericana di diseño I 2016
Potential for mainstreaming
The concept behind "A Avó veio Trabalhar" (Grandma Came to Work) has significant potential for mainstream adoption. By focusing on the unique talents and aspirations of the elderly, this initiative not only addresses social isolation and economic vulnerability but also taps into a largely underutilized demographic resource. The project's success in Lisbon, Cascais, and the Azores demonstrates its scalability and adaptability to different urban contexts.
As societies around the globe grapple with aging populations, the model provided by "Grandma Came to Work" offers a replicable and sustainable solution. It promotes intergenerational connections, cultural preservation, and community engagement, which are universal values. Additionally, the unique, handcrafted products and personalized experiences appeal to a growing market interested in sustainable and ethical consumerism. By embracing age as a source of strength and creativity, this initiative challenges traditional notions of aging and creates opportunities for social and economic inclusion on a larger scale.
With the increasing recognition of the importance of social innovation and the benefits of an active, engaged elderly population, "Grandma Came to Work" has the potential to be adopted widely, enhancing the quality of life for seniors and enriching communities worldwide.