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Euroopan sosiaalirahasto plus
Data and figures2024-04-05

European social fund plus - investing in people

The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is the EU’s main tool for investing in people, building a more social and inclusive Europe and advancing the European Pillar of Social Rights. The ESF+ helps shape policies related to employment, social matters, education, and skills across the EU. It also contributes to reducing social and economic disparities among Member States and regions.

EU budget for ESF+ 2021-2027 is €95.8 billion

Investments are implemented by:

€142 billion

by Member States own budget, which supplement
€95.1 billion provided by the EU

€762 million

European Commission under the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) strand

Key benefits of the ESF+

Green policies icon

Preparing workers for the green and digital transitions

The EU is investing around €65 billion in jobs and skills across Europe.

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Boosting youth employment

Member States with many young people neither in employment, education, nor training will invest at least 12.5% of their ESF+ resources to promote youth employment.

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Tackling child poverty

Member States most affected by child poverty will allocate at least 5% of their ESF+ resources to address child poverty.

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Supporting the most vulnerable

All Member States must dedicate at least 25% of their ESF+ resources to social inclusion measures, such as community-based services, active inclusion measures and targeted support to marginalised groups like Roma.

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Providing food and basic material assistance

All Member States must allocate at least 3% of their ESF+ resources to provide food and basic material assistance or implement social inclusion measures for the most deprived.

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Promoting social innovation

The ESF+ invests in social innovation in the areas of employment, education, skills and social inclusion, both at the national level and through transnational partnerships.

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Enhancing the capacity of social partners and civil society

Member States facing challenges with involving social partners and civil society organisations will allocate at least 0.25% of their ESF+ resources to this aim.