‘Towards user-centred funding models for long-term care’ (UNIC) presents several innovative solutions to support the transition to user-centred funding models. Firstly, it sets out to establish a framework to support that transition, through the preparation of reports featuring models of good practices linked to personal budgets. UNIC also published a roadmap with guidelines on overcoming challenges related to long-term care and the provision of support.
UNIC is also developing a toolkit to help public authorities and service providers to build and implement personal budgets. The toolkit will contain several innovative solutions, including a quality monitoring tool that will allow public authorities to better monitor the quality of the service provided in a personal budget framework. A service delivery tool will help long-term care providers to design and deliver user-centred services. Finally, a compliance assurance tool will help public authorities to promote, engage and deliver personal budget systems. The service delivery tool is of particular interest, as it was designed to help service providers to deliver more effective person-centred services. The tool will look at different areas (citizenship, community life, legal frameworks) and allow service providers to identify areas for improvement in their work.
UNIC is also developing a toolkit to help public authorities and service providers to build and implement personal budgets. The toolkit will contain several innovative solutions, including a quality monitoring tool that will allow public authorities to better monitor the quality of the service provided in a personal budget framework. A service delivery tool will help long-term care providers to design and deliver user-centred services. Finally, a compliance assurance tool will help public authorities to promote, engage and deliver personal budget systems. The service delivery tool is of particular interest, as it was designed to help service providers to deliver more effective person-centred services. The tool will look at different areas (citizenship, community life, legal frameworks) and allow service providers to identify areas for improvement in their work.
Case study details
- Lead organisation
- European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
- European Ageing Network
- Centre for Welfare Reform
- Disability Federation of Ireland
- The Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities (VAPH)
- Association of Social Care Providers of the Czech Republic
- Support Girona
- Service Foundation for People with an Intellectual Disability
- Lebenshilfe Salzburg
- Países
- Belgium
- Regiones
- Prov. AntwerpenProv. Limburg (BE)Prov. Oost-VlaanderenProv. Vlaams-BrabantProv. West-Vlaanderen
- Temas
- Equal access to social servicesSocial integration of those at risk
- Target groups
- Individuals with disabilities
- Level of action
- Regional
- Source of funding
- Public - EU
- Programming period
- 2014-2020
- Project start
- 2020
- Project end
- 2023
- Type of initiative
- Empowering people
- Internet and social
- EU fund