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Europäische Sozialfonds+

New call for proposals to unlock skills and support vulnerable youth

Young people talking in a group
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The European Competence Centre for Social Innovation has launched a new call for transnational projects dedicated to developing young people’s skills and helping them to integrate the labour market. 

A total of EUR 9 million in ESF+ funding will be available to develop or scale up innovative methods and practices that have proven to be successful in other contexts, countries and regions. 

Projects should focus on helping vulnerable youth, and in particular young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs), to develop skills that can lead to their labour market integration.  

Proposals must include at least two applicants from different EU Member States – a coordinator and one or several co-applicants – and must be co-funded for at least 20% of the total budget. The estimated amount of each grant is between EUR 200 000 and EUR 700 000. 

Each proposal must also indicate a potential co-funder for further implementation of the innovative approach to be scaled-up or replicated (an ESF+ Managing Authority or Intermediate Body, a foundation, etc.). 

What is the timeline? 

The deadline for proposals is 27 March 2024 at 17:00 CET.  

Who can apply? 

Applicants, co-applicants and associated partners can be:  

  • NGOs/third sector/voluntary/youth non-profit entities,  
  • local and regional authorities,  
  • job centres, public employment services (PES), employment agencies,  
  • schools, vocational education and training (VET) providers,  
  • companies, social partners, representative bodies linked to the labour market, including chambers of commerce and other trade associations,  
  • agencies responsible for skills validation,  
  • lifelong-learning research centres and entities,  
  • associations and representatives of those involved in VET,  
  • guidance, consultancy, and information service providers linked to lifelong learning.  
  • public and private funders.

Further information

For more information on the conditions and how to apply, read the detailed call and visit the website.

If you have any questions, please write to Skills@esf.lt. A short leaflet is also available to share on social media.  

How can I find potential partners? 

You can search for partners in the Social Innovation Match (SIM) database. This was created as a tool to identify organisations whose work may serve as a source of inspiration and to ensure that good ideas are visible to all.  

About the European Competence Centre for Social Innovation 

The European Competence Centre for Social Innovation under the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative aims to accelerate the transfer and scale-up of tested innovative solutions, particularly in employment and labour mobility, education and social inclusion, including contributing to poverty eradication.  

The Centre contributes to a more social and inclusive Europe, implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights and supporting the green and digital transitions.