The European Social Fund (ESF) has invested over €770,000 between 2019 and 2022 in career programmes across areas hosting the main venues and events for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games: the Greater Paris region, the City of Paris, the Seine-Saint-Denis department, and Plaine Commune.
By matching national financing to implement the Regional Skills Investment Plan (PIC) of Ile de France, two EU-funded projects provided training and certification for job seekers in sectors and professions directly linked to the 2024 Olympics under the motto ‘We are all champions.’ These sectors cover construction, transport-logistics, digital technology, security, cleaning, hotels and catering, entertainment, and sport.
The two initiatives used sports to promote professional development, encouraging participants to take on personal sports challenges to build skills, a sense of accomplishment, and resilience essential for long-term career success. Training programmes included team-building trips to the Centres of Resources, Expertise and Sports Performance (CREPS) to engage young people and adults with the values of Olympism: striving for excellence, showing respect and celebrating friendship.
2024: We are all Champions
The ‘We are all Champions’ initiative in Plaine Commune aimed to meet specific demands highlighted in the 2024 Employment Map for the Olympics and revitalise the local community, where the unemployment rate (18%) is much higher than the Ile de France average (7%). It focused on people who had fallen out of traditional employment pathways, such as young adults, long-term unemployed individuals, seniors seeking reintegration, and persons with disabilities.
The initiative enrolled 172 participants over three years, offering intensive training from six to fifteen months. Each training module was designed to align with the evolving job market and opportunities from the upcoming Olympic Games. The programme combined technical training with soft skills development and personal coaching. It also provided funding for first aid training, driving licences, and cultural visits, which helped people to overcome barriers and prepare for a dynamic job market.
By partnering with Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques (Solideo) and other industries involved in the Games, this initiative maximised job opportunities for the participants. Thanks to the project, 44 people were able to return to employment, while 98 of the trainees (57%) obtained a professional qualification.
Sportsmanship and teamwork
The Association Ensemble Paris Emploi Compétences (EPEC) implemented a similar ‘All Champions’ project in other Paris districts hosting the Games. It involved 189 participants and was divided into three phases: developing a professional project, professional training and certification for roles crucial to the 2024 Games, and finally, securing a job. The programme focused on sportsmanship and teamwork; values synonymous with the Olympic spirit. Some participants received Prevention and Civic First Aid (PSC1) certification, which is essential for emergency response roles, while others earned their driving licenses or sports certificates in swimming and other disciplines, which are useful for jobs in animation activities.
“A year ago, I was deeply uncertain about my professional future, wanting to change career paths but unsure of where to turn,” says Jean-Marc. “The ‘All Champions’ support programme was an enriching experience full of valuable lessons that really helped me return to the labour market.”
By blending sports coaching with professional training and certification, and matching national with EU funding, these initiatives have set a new standard for inclusive workforce development. Coupled with the anticipated economic boost from the 2024 Games and associated infrastructure projects, Plaine Commune and the City of Paris are positioned as vibrant hubs of opportunity and growth.