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Europos socialinis fondas +
SIM organisation2024-09-12

Veneto Lavoro

Level of action
Contact details
UO5 European Project Dept.
Via Ca' Marcello, 67/b - 30172 Venezia - Mestre- Italy
Phone+39 0412919384 
Language skills
Italian, English, Russian
Organisation website
Theme of the organization
Access to quality employment
Modernising labour market institutions and services
Tackling long term unemployment
Gender balanced labour market participation
Adaptation of workers and enterprises to change
Upskilling and reskilling
Type of organization
Veneto Lavoro was established in 1998, under the Legislative Decree No. 31/1998. Its competences and activities were further expanded in 2018 following the transfer of labour market functions from the Provinces to the Regions provided for by the so-called Delrio Reform (L. 56/2014).
Its headquarters are located in Venice Mestre and host the Directorate General and 8 Operations Units. 7 Territorial Hubs cover each provincial district and coordinate a total number of 39 Employment Centres across the region, with a workforce that counts approximately 600 professionals.
Veneto Lavoro plays a key role in the planning and implementation of ALMPs and employment services, in cooperation with the Region, which designs the regulatory framework and issues the strategic guidelines.
Its main tasks include the management and coordination of:
-the Regional Public Employment Services Network;
-the Regional Labour Market Information System (SILV);
-the Regional Labour Market Observatory;
The regional PES system cooperate with private accredited organisations in a public-private cooperative framework in order to:
-facilitate the matching between labour demand and supply;
- increase the employability of job seekers by means of a thorough qualitative and quantitative assessment;
- drafting of a customised action plan and the deployment of ALMP measures support employers with specialised and customised services.
Veneto Lavoro promotes digitalisation through ClicLavoro Veneto, the web platform for regional training and employment services, on which job seekers, companies, operators and accredited organisations can access useful information and user-friendly digital services and tools. Research reports, statistics and investigations on the economic and structural conditions of the regional labour market carried out by the Regional Labour Market Observatory are available for free consultation on the institutional website
Strategic interventions and policy-making support actions in the regional labour market are fulfilled by:
-the Corporate Crisis Unit, which provides technical assistance in the management of complex corporate crises and permanent regionaltechnical tables as well as support for reindustrialisation and industrial conversion projects;
-Veneto Welfare, which promotes and develops supplementary social security and integrated welfare instruments in the region.
Through the EU Project Management Technical Assistance Operations Unit, Veneto Lavoro supports the regional Managing Authority in charge of the implementation, management and control of Structural Funds and EUprogrammes and it operates internationally in order to pursue regional interests in a global context, thus promoting:
-the implementation of innovative and integrated projects aimed at identifying and anticipating practices and models in line with the highest international standards;
-the development of national and international networks aimed at implementing joint projects and developing governance actions concerning the human capital, the socio-economic and work inclusion of vulnerable groups (i.e. NEETs, people with disabilities, migrants, long term unemployed) and the promotion of equal opportunities.
Looking for
Veneto Lavoro is interesting to participate in project proposal for social innovation initiatives developed and tested in other countries. By actively participating in social innovation projects from other countries, Veneto Lavoro can enhance its services, bring fresh perspectives to regional challenges, and position itself as a leader in employment service innovation within Italy.
-Reach out to the organizations behind successful social innovation projects to explore potential collaborations.-
-Consider joining European networks focused on employment innovation, such as the European Network of Public Employment Services or the European Social Network.
Conduct a thorough scan of social innovation initiatives in employment services across Europe and beyond. Focus on projects that align with Veneto's specific challenges and priorities.
-Look for initiatives that have shown measurable impact in areas such as youth employment, long-term unemployment, skills matching, or employer engagement.