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Fonds social européen+

The ESF+ in Czechia

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The EU will invest EUR 2.4 billion in ESF+ funds in Czechia to improve access to employment, increase the level of skills of both working people and those who are unemployed to successfully master the digital transition and ensure equal access to quality and inclusive education and training. The focus will be on young people, promoting a gender-balanced labour market and social inclusion. 

The ESF+ in Czechia will also work to improve the integration of third-country nationals and the living standards of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Investments will increase the availability of social services and access to healthcare services in underserved areas and for the most disadvantaged groups of the population.  

ESF+ investments will contribute to achieve Czechia's 2030 targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights by raising the rate of employment to 82.2%, adult participation in education and training to 45% and by reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by nearly 120.000. 

The ESF+ in Czechia is implemented via two national programmes – the Employment+ programme for up- and re-skilling and social inclusion, and the Comenius for Education programme – with a focus on children and young people.

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