Problem addressed
Approximately 87 million people in the EU have some form of disability, and a significant segment of this population does not enjoy the same life opportunities as others. Schools, workplaces, infrastructure, products, services, and information are not always accessible to them. Such individuals are sometimes treated poorly or unfairly - 52 percent of people with disabilities feel discriminated against.
Most students with disabilities face difficulties in school due to architectural barriers or barriers in the education process. Only 29.4 percent of people with disabilities attain higher education compared to 43.8 percent of those without disabilities. Only half of people with disabilities are employed, while 3 out of 4 people without disabilities are employed. Those who are employed also face barriers in the workplace.
The Accessible School Model is a tool allowing the elimination of barriers in schools and their transformation into a friendly environment for learning and work.
Innovative solution
The Accessible School Model is an innovative tool for the accessibility of educational institutions for individuals with special needs, including those with disabilities. The document was developed by experts in architecture, accessibility, and education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and other institutions working to promote inclusive education in Poland. It was also tested and implemented by almost two hundred of schools in Poland.
The model presents a holistic approach to the accessibility of the education process, encompassing architectural infrastructure, equipment accessibility, the accessibility of the education process, and the management of educational institutions. It is based on the idea of universal design in architecture and education but also takes into account the perspective of enhancing the accessibility of existing infrastructure through the use of rational improvements.
It responds to the needs of educational institutions and interest groups that aim to improve the accessibility of education and promote access to inclusive forms of education. It provides ready-made solutions and standards and inspires through good practices.
Key results and benefits
The Accessible School Model has been implemented in 184 schools and 74 local government units. Thanks to the implementation of the Model, these institutions are ready to conduct the education process for all children and meet their individual needs, including those arising from disabilities. Schools have eliminated existing architectural barriers, raised awareness, and enhanced the qualifications and competencies of staff in the field of inclusive education. As part of the project, publications were developed, including the "Accessible School Model" and a collection of good practices called the "Implementation Handbook." The publications are available in both Polish and English on the website
Potential for mainstreaming
The Accessible School Model was established as an innovative tool for the accessibility of educational institutions in 2019 and was tested by 184 primary schools and 74 local government units in Poland. It began to be utilized by schools and institutions not participating in the project but aiming to implement the principles of inclusive education and universal design in education. It can be implemented in all types of educational institutions at every level and constitutes a set of ready-made standards for architectural, informational-communicative and educational accessibility, enriched with examples of good practices and case studies.