On a visit to Austria from 11 to 13 October 2023, the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, met young people taking part in an innovative career guidance programme which helps them to make a smooth transition from school to the world of work. Co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the 'Career guidance' project is managed by the vocational training institute BFI Burgenland which is part of the largest private educational institution in Austria, linked to the Chamber of Labour. The project supports young people who have not yet found their professional vocation.
Visiting the institute, Commissioner Schmit said: ‘Career guidance plays a crucial role in choosing your profession and discovering your talents. This ESF+-supported project not only does this, it also equips young people with transversal and technical skills that will ensure a smooth transition into an apprenticeship. This is a win for the individual as much as it is a win for the future employer!’
Broadening perspectives
Participants have the opportunity to explore their interests and individual aspirations and to get a realistic picture of the world of work through 10 weeks of vocational orientation and training. The emphasis is on practical work, expanding on the participants’ knowledge from school, and helping the participants to improve their job application skills. Most of the professional orientation takes place in workshops, through teamwork and practical projects. The focus is on digitalisation – using 3D-printing, augmented reality and technical know-how – but also on helping the participants identify their own interests, skills and personal strengths.
The participants round off the course by assembling a small line-tracking robot with the support of experienced trainers. The young people also work with professional education consultants to create a career plan for achieving their career aspirations.
The participants can continue with internships in partner companies to get to know a broad range of individual professions in detail. Thanks to these internships, young people can develop new interests and boost their self-confidence. Many of them are taking up job offers.
Nearly 30 young people are able to benefit from these opportunities at the vocational education and training centre in Oberwart, visited by the Commissioner. The project is also being carried out in other parts of the Burgenland region in eastern Austria, with more than 180 places for young people to broaden their perspectives about the world of work and lay solid foundations for their careers.